Students register for the placement session
Careers Service Office (CSO) invites companies for Internship and placement
Interested companies contact CSO and submit job notification form (JNF) for the profiles offered
Announcement of available job offer(s) as per JNF by CSO
Company registration by the interested students
Eligibility check by CSO as per JNF requirements
Notification of eligible student list
Slot allotment to the company as per availability
Selection process by the company
Announcement of the selection result
College follows ‘One Student–One Job’ policy. After being offered a job by any company, a student is not allowed to participate further in the placement process.
In case a premium company comes after a candidate gets selected with a package of more than 1.5 times the previous company, the student will have option to avail one Dream Offer with a maximum of 2 attempts.
If the student gets job offer from the Dream-Company, the student will have to leave the previous offer. The student will not be allowed to go for another dream offer.
In case the student is unsuccessful in securing the job offer with the ‘Dream-Company’. The student may get another chance for exercising Dream-Company option after 80% of registered students of his/her batch/branch have secured a job offer. Any deviation from this policy under extraordinary circumstances will be dealt on case to case basis.
Student is permitted to choose Dream Option Company ONLY before joining the ‘regular offer’ company. After joining the ‘regular offer’ company, the student is NOT eligible to apply for Dream Option.