Presidency College (Autonomous) being Re accredited with A+ grade by NAAC has propelled us to march further with firmer steps towards achieving the status of being accredited as Centre for Potential Excellence. We at Presidency believe in 360 degrees of enhancements at all levels.
In alignment with the vision and mission statements of Presidency College (Autonomous) , we believe that true learning is never confined to a classroom. The students reach out to society with a selfless service mind to give back to the society through various programmes. Corporate Social Responsibility takes the form of Students Social Responsibility.
In synchronization with Bengaluru City University, a research unit for commerce is proposed similar to that which is offered for the management students along with the research scholars. Assisting the scholars by involving the students in the research process would not only ignite the young minds to be more focussed but also expose them to the process of conducting research as they gain a hands-on experience.
Apart from the conventional degree path of an UG followed by PG, introduction of various other under graduate and postgraduate programmes are in the pipeline. Duration may vary from two to three year schedule depending upon the discipline and syllabus coverage. These extra courses will give any students an edge over others by adding weightage in their resume