It is not unemployment but employability which is of concern today. Companies need trained and qualified students who are job ready.
Since there are rapid and continuous changes in the economy and industry, it takes time for the academic curriculum to incorporate the latest developments in economy, technology and industry requirements.
While ample of job opportunities are available, recruiters find that the students are not up to the mark or do not have latest or requisite skills. Due to this companies are forced to incur huge induction and training expenses or recruit experienced candidates, leading to loss of opportunities for freshers.
Keeping this in mind, Presidency College (Autonomous) has instituted an extensive Employability Enhancement Programme (EEP) to upgrade skills of students and help them get good jobs.
All students undergo extensive Soft Skills Training to improve their personality, communication skills, grooming and etiquette etc. This improves their confidence and helps them in effective interaction with others.
In collaboration with leading entities, many Certification Programmmes are conducted in relevant domain areas to enhance professional skills of students. These programmes are highly subsidised by the College.
Finally, students undergo an intensive placement preparation where they get trained in resume preparation, participation in group discussions and personal interviews. Mock GD & personal interviews are conducted and video recorded for evaluation.
HR professionals from top companies are invited to the campus to conduct Guest Lectures about their expectation from the candidates and to guide the students in how to prepare themselves for landing their dream jobs.